How to have a blog while working full time (8 Easy Tips)

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You could have a blog while working full time, be a student or even your own boss. Your blog can a passion or simply a way to share your experience.
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Introduction: have a blog while working full time

You could be running a blog while being a full-time employee, a student or even your own boss. Your blog can a passion or simply a way to share your experience and emotions.

However, blogging does require tons of work and dedication. You will be spending long hours on it and from time to time you may even feel overwhelmed by it. Blogging is for everyone but not everyone can make it. Especially if you are hoping to turn your blog into a business. You are looking at years of dedicated work before you start seeing money coming from it.

If you are willing to put on the hours and be patient with your blog, you can be create something beautiful that will help lots of people and that in the end can even make you earn money and becoming a full time blogger.

When I started this blog, I was still project manager and my working hours were way over 9-5 and the blog was simple a side project I started to share our travel experience with others. I understand how hard it could be to balance the blog and your work. Here is how to have a blog while working full time

Table of Contents

How to have a blog while working full time

Create the idea

The first step of how have a blog while working full time will be to create the idea of what you want and where your blog will be heading. Once you have selected your audiences open up your blog: 8 Easy Steps To Starting A Travel Blog

Create a Schedule

At the beginning this is one of the most important part. Sticking to your blog can be hard and you may even slowly stop working on it. Having a fixed schedule will help you being consistent even if you are working full-time.

Think about your actual schedule and pick-up a few spots on when you will be writing your blog. The same way as you planed your gym or dance class. Blogging will be a regular activity.

Have a Goal

Once your schedule block, you can also relate it to a goal. Such as one article or new edits. You can also map your content as planned beforehand what you will be writing.

Sometimes, I write the name of article I will be writing later. Or post 1 article and then write a few mores. It all depends on my inspirations and the length of the article.

Manage your time

Blogging is not only writing post. It also comes with learning how to make a blog, blog maintenance, trying new plugins, social media, design of pages, photo/video editing and so on. You may even feel overwhelmed at some point.

That’s why block your time on your schedule and dedicated it to one task. If you are writing a post, don’t go over the web to see how to design the blog. Focus on a single task, do it, finish it and then go to the next one.

Stretch your content

If you run out of ideas, or are too busy managing all the side chores of the blog, stretch your content to keep writing and posting (which is the core of the blog)

You have no need to be writing about recent experiences, you can well be writing about something that you lived years ago, long before the blog. It may not be the same way to writing but it still is blogging.

And don’t forget to stretch your content. You may have already written an article on your last vacations in France. But you could add up some new post about them: Complete guide, Best foods, Best restaurants, Best Stays, Packing guide, Itinerary and so on.

This way, one trip can make many different articles that will help your reader depending on which topic they are looking for.

Guest Post

Depending on which direction you planned for your blog, you could be inviting people to write on your blog. Or people could even ask you to write on your blog. This way you could make grow your blog in different topics.

We could be writing about couple travel on our blog, and then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a solo traveller writing on it as well. This will expend the reach of the blog.

You could also be writing on other’s blog from time to time. Inbound links are essential to build your SEO ranking. The more link going to your blog the better. So, do not forget to ask for a “follow” link to your site if you are a guest writer.

Be committed

Like any sport or hobbies, you have, you will need commitment. You can’t expect to be a black belt Karate fighter in a week or even a year. It will take lots of time and training. Having a travel blog is the same things.

If you are looking for to make it a business especially.

Take a Break

Ultimately, take vacation from it. You may be in a romantic holiday in the Maldives for a week or so. Well you do not need to be blogging like before during this week. The same as you are maybe not going to the gym or your dance class during this time.

The first step in blogging is not writing them but reading them. ~Jeff Jarvis

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Hey Guys! We are Alex & Tina. A Serbian and French Couple who met during our time in China. We are in love with traveling, hiking, meeting new people… Since 2019, we started a travel blog to share our experiences all around the world.


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