
An Easy & Simple San Carlos de Bariloche Guide (5+ days)

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Travelling to San Carlos de Bariloche? Here is what we leant from our 10 days stay in this beautiful Alps like town.
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San Carlos de Bariloche

San Carlos de Bariloche, simply called Bariloche is a city in Rio Negra province and is already part of what is called Patagonia. It isn’t a small town and up to 110 000 people are living there.

It’s used to be a village where the main business was the wood industry but later on it developed as a center for skiing, trekking and mountaineering. Now the main industry of the town is tourism.

Table of Contents

Apart of coming by car, there are 2 easy way to get in Bariloche: by bus or by plane.

If you are coming by bus, you will want to get a SUBE card (same public transportation card as Buenos Aires) and have topped it up as from the bus terminal you can get the bus N°20 to Villa Llao llao that goes all along the lake. Only problem is that you can’t get a SUBE card nor top it up in the bus terminal.

If you do not have one, you can still take the bus and ask someone in there to swipe his/her SUBE in exchange for cash (we did it many times and it works fine)

If you are coming from the airport there is a shuttle between the airport and the bus terminal, but you will need to verify there the schedule.

Here is out bus story from San rafael to Bariloche

Getting around

The cheapest way to get around is by bus. Depending on where you stay you will be using different bus. Only problem is that during the high season or during long weekend, the bus gets really full and if you are not in the first stations the bus may not stop. As the bus frequency is every 20 to 30min, lots of people will be waiting it.

If the bus doesn’t stop, your only solution is to wait the next one, walk to a prior station or Hitchhike.

Grocery shopping

No need to worry here, there are plenty of the supermarket and kiosk all along the way.

Things to do

The city center of San Carlos de Bariloche

The city center of Bariloche is like most of the European Alps village. It has a wood style villas and building. Additionally, lots of restaurants, souvenir shops, outdoor store can be found in town.

In town ( San Carlos de Bariloche)

  • Visit one of the chocolate factories and buy some
  • Visit some outdoor equipment store
  • See the BARILOCHE Letters
  • Visit the Cathedral
  • Hang around the flea market

Around San Carlos de Bariloche

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

Where to stay in Bariloche

Alex & Tina

Hey Guys! We are Alex & Tina. A Serbian and French Couple who met during our time in China. We are in love with traveling, hiking, meeting new people… Since 2019, we started a travel blog to share our experiences all around the world.


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