Bus from Puerto Natales to Ushuaia
Today’s journey will bring us from Puerto Natales in Chile to Ushuaia in Argentina. The journey is 760km or so and will take 11 to 12h.
We believed that it would cost a lot and be complicated, but it was not at all.
Table of Contents
Getting the ticket
When we finished our 5 days trek in Torres del Paine, we arrived in the bus terminal in Puerto Natales at 20:40pm. At this time, we went straight for the Bussur office and asked them if they had a departure to Ushuaia the next day.
Well they had one at 6:40am or 7am with the same arrival. The journey was with a connexion near Punta Arena, but was with the same company. We right away got 2 tickets for the 7am one. It costed 43 000 CLP each (47€).
We had checked online but never found this bus, so asking in the bus station was the right thing to do.
Puerto Natales to Punta Arena
We woke up around 5am, get our bags ready and ate breakfast. We then leave around 6am to the bus terminal.
When we got there, we first saw the 6:40am bus depart and then our arrived. We went to give our bags and told the guy there Ushuaia. He then put our bags in a separate compartment.
The ride was comfortable with AC, WC and USB.
Around 9:20am, we stopped at a gas station located in the intersection between going toward Punta arena or Ushuaia. Another bus from Bussur was waiting there.
We transferred our bag to the other bus and got in. (It was more or less the same bus as before, still super comfortable and not full)
Toward Ushuaia
Punta arena to the Chilean Border
Ushuaia is located on an island, so in order to get there the bus arrived at the ferry at 10:36am. To avoid damage on the bus, some passenger went off the bus and walked to the ferry. (we were among them)
The ferry ride is 40min, and at this time all the passenger went off to enjoy the views. When we arrived on the other side, first the bus went off the ferry and then all passenger back in.
We made it to the Chilean border at 1pm. Our bus waited its turn to get in front of the immigration office. We then went off the bus and, in the office, accompanied with a Bussur crew member. We line up, gave our passport and PDI document and got our exist stamp.
Argentinian border
We left around 1:40pm this border and went into a rocky and bumpy road toward the second border (Argentina).
Along the ways we saw some Vicuña.
We arrived at 1:58pm in the second border. Same drill as always with one additional question, where are we gonna stay in Ushuaia. But nobody checked our bags nor if we had food.
We were back on the bus around 2:08pm and left a bit later.
“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller
Where to stay in Ushuaia
There are some unique places to stay in Ushuaia:
- Cozy Apartment: Amaneceres del Beagle
- Cute houses: Aves del Sur
- B&B: Mysten Kepen B&B