How to Spend 2 days in Plitvice Lake

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How to Spend 2 days in Plitvice Lake. Now that we know the park, let’s make the 18km hike around the upper and lower lakes.
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How to Spend 2 days in Plitvice Lake - Day 2

In august 2021, we decided to spend 2 days in the Plitvice Lake National Park. This is the story of our second day in it.

In our first day we got a bit lost but still managed to discover the Program C and the viewpoints of the park.

For our second day, we decided to do the full turn of the lakes using the Program K. It will be some 18km of hike, only walking not using the transportation available in the park.

Don’t forget to read our ultimate guide to understand the programs and get all the information about the Plitvice Lakes or our other article with our day 1 story 😊

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Day 2 of 2 days in Plitvice

Start of the day

When we first woke up it was pouring outside, so we stayed a bit longer in bed before having our breakfast and making our lunch boxes. The weather forecast showed that it should stop, so we took our time in order for the rain to pass.

We then left by car and parked in the parking lot at entrance 1.

We arrived around 7h40, it wasn’t crowded for now and the rain had stopped. The weather was now incredible.

How to Spend 2 days in Plitvice Lake

Program K

The beginning was exactly the same as the Program C until we reach the P3, so we won’t be writing to much about it. From entrance 1, we followed the K sign all the way until P3. But instead of taking the boat, we will now walk around.

Program K Plitvice

Lake Kozjk

From P3 we headed off around the lake. The trail starts right behind the boat station. This part was beautiful one of the nicest in the park.

As it was early still, it wasn’t too crowded, there were only a couple of people and family. This trail is completely flat with stunning views toward the lake while still being protected by the shadows from the forest.

Plitvice lakes guide

Forest Part

At the end of the Lake Kozjk trail, most people headed back toward the C Program (which will make the day much shorter and also make you go on an amazing part of the upper lakes).

But we followed K program which goes up in the mountains. On this part we were almost always alone. The trail goes a bit up and is mostly forest trail with 2 or 3 viewpoints

Program K Forest

Upper lakes

At the end of the forest trail, we got back down to the lakes level and rejoin C Program for a bit, but instead of going toward ST1, Program K, follow the trail within the upper lakes and those are amazingly beautiful.

But we also joined back the crowd. This part was as beautiful as it is crowded. And there even were some traffic jams in front of some big waterfalls

Program K Upper lake


Once the traffic jam passed, we trailed till P2 where we had to take the 5min boat to cross to P1. There we made our lunch break. We would have made it earlier but one of the main downsides of the national park is that most of the trail along the lakes are super narrow and it is not really enjoyable to stop. Plus, It’s kinda like stopping on the highway.

Anyway, P1 is located at the ST2 where there is a big rest area, shops, WC… There we sat under the big tree and had lunch. We watched the ducks for a while. It was super fun as the females were chasing and pushing the males

Plitvice port 1


Then we kept on along Lake Kozjk again but on the other side of it until the intersection where we took trail A to finish the K loop. This part was again much less vorwded. It was maybe cuz of lunch time or that most of people take the train around this area.

Though it is a nice part of the park to do and also quite flat.

Lake Kozjk

Ending Word

We were back in the parking right before 2pm and stayed all together 6h20min.

The park is amazing but the path are too narrow, you must always be in a line and you don’t have freedom.

If you are with kid, do not bring a stroller, it is going to be hard. We even saw a stroller abandoned in the park…

Ending Word Plitvice

Where to Stay

There are both options to stay in the park and outside of it. We were by car, so we opted for a guesthouse north of the parc located 10min driving. You also have lots of campsite nearby.

Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata
‘We were talking about the wolf, and now it’s at the door’: Speak of the devil

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Hey Guys! We are Alex & Tina. A Serbian and French Couple who met during our time in China. We are in love with traveling, hiking, meeting new people… Since 2019, we started a travel blog to share our experiences all around the world.


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