7 Proven Cons to Traveling with no Plans

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As we have been Traveling with no Plans for a couple of years now, we got to see the Pros and Cons of travelling this way. Here are the 7 Cons to Traveling with no Plans
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Introduction: Traveling with no Plans

A funny thing is that most of the Pros, are also Cons. And you will have to manage between them.

Traveling with no Plans is the best thing we did, and we are still doing it for most our travel. As we have been traveling last minute for a couple of years now, we got to see the Pros and Cons of travelling this way. Here are the 7 Cons to Travel without a Plan.

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7 Cons to Traveling with no Plans

You do not always budget

At some point, you will face a choice. To get somewhere for a higher cost or to skip it. You will have to pick what you prefer.

We did a last minute 5-day trek in Torres Del Paine which cost us a lot because all type of accommodations was not available anymore. Those 5 days cost more than 1 month travelling. But we were there so we did it.

It can be Stressful

Sometimes in Traveling with no Plans, you will feel the pressure of travel. You will get exhausted, will have to make lots of call at the very last moment and all that can in the end be stressful.

You will not realise it right away, but it can slowly appear.

You need to change places, its already late, you do not know where to go and you cannot find a descent way of moving around. You check, check, and recheck and cannot find something’s fitting. That is a stressful situation we encounter many times.

Time may run out

The beauty of Traveling with no Plans is that you can stay as long as you want. But that also mean that in the end, you may not be able to get every places you wanted.

In 3 months in South America, we wanted to visit the Amazon Forest, but we ran out of time, so we had to skip. When your plan is all set up, you know in advance what you will be seeing.

Plane to Lijiang

You may miss something

Some of the most visited landmarks required to be booked in advance. Visiting Machu Picchu and Wayna Picchu has to be organised months in advance. If you are in a last minute trip, you may not found a ticket a Wayna Picchu and may have to take the leftover spot for Machu Picchu or skip it altogether.

Similarly, you will also have to do with what is left in term of accommodations. You won’t always find some amazing last-minute deal in outstanding and unique accommodations. And you will have to do with what is left.

Polaroid Machu Picchu (2)

You could get lost

At some point, you could find yourself in a place where 2 days would be enough but where you are already for 5 days, just because you have time.

In this case, you are lost and are also losing time, especially if you are traveling for a certain number of days.

Weather will be what it is

You also cannot control the weather. And if this rule is true for any type of travel, it is even more true when you travel with no plans.

You will have to accept whatever the weather is and make the most of it

Machu Picchu on a cloudy and rainy day

Forget your bucket list

We all have a beautiful bucket list with Maldives, Cappadocia, Bora Bora, Peru and so on… Put that list on the side because you will not always be able to get there.

You are looking to get to Peru and visit Machu Picchu, well that’s an amazing plan but the ticket you will find may be to Brazil or even the other side of earth.

Ilha do Cardoso view from the boat

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

Alex & Tina

Hey Guys! We are Alex & Tina. A Serbian and French Couple who met during our time in China. We are in love with traveling, hiking, meeting new people… Since 2019, we started a travel blog to share our experiences all around the world.


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