The Authentic Jerusalem Visit Day 2 Story

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Today's program is Tower of David, Zion gate, King David's Tomb, Dormition Abbey, Room of the Last Supper, Franciscan Monast., Hurva sinagogue, the garden tomb
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Introduction: The Genuine Jerusalem Visit Day 2 Story

Second day in the Holy city, we decided to keep strolling around the old city as we really enjoyed the style of Jerusalem and only planned on seeing the tower of David and Mount. And if time allowed it to get to the garden tomb.

With that in mind, we started our day by walking to the Yehuda market and down Jaffa street to reach the old city. This was the easiest and nicest way for us to reach the old city.

Mapping the day

  1. Yehuda Market
  2. Jaffa Gate
  3. Tower of David
  4. Zion gate
  5. Franciscan Monastery
  6. King David’s Tomb
  7. Dormition Abbey
  8. Room of the last supper
  9. Hurva synagogue
  10. The garden tomb
Jerusalem itinerary 2

Tower of David

Let’s start our day by learning more about the city of Jerusalem and the history around it. For that the tower of David was the perfect place. Also known as the citadel of Jerusalem, the tower of David is an ancient fortified citadel dating from the Mamluk and Ottoman period.

The citadel is now a museum tracing the history of Jerusalem back 4000 years. While moving from room to room we discovered how the city was first erected, how it became Christian and then Muslim and so on…

We didn’t have a guide but eardrop a group while we were on the rooftop of the citadel where you have a gorgeous landscape of the city.  

The admission fees are 40 NIS (10.3€) and the museum is open from 9am to 4pm every day expect Friday where it closes at 2pm (Shabbat). But do check that again before going, just in case 😊

Zion gate & Franciscan Monastery​

From there we headed south toward mount Zion. There we discovered the Franciscan monastery which is a convent as well as the place where the last supper of Jesus Christ took place and where king’s David tomb is located.

The monastery was built in the 14th century by the Franciscan order to safeguard Jerusalem. The location was choosing due to Mount Zion and its importance for Christianity.

But what was this Franciscan? It is an order established by Saint Francis, an Italian who lived in the late 12th century and in 1342 Pope Clement VI declared that the Franciscans are the official custodians of the Holy places. Time at which they appeared in Jerusalem.

Room of the Last Supper & King David's Tomb

Now that we are on site, we discovered that the room of the last supper was one floor over King’s David Tomb. We followed the sign and discover what used to be the room of the last supper (also called Cenacle). It is believed that it is in this place that that Jesus Christ took his last meal with his disciple before behind betrayed and killed.

The actual architecture we can see it is not from the Jesus Christ time but was built over the original building as timed passed.

On the lower floor of the room of the last supper is located the Tomb of king’s David and it is believed to be the place where the king of Israel is buried. But this fact is not agreed by all.

David was the 3rd king of the United Monarchy of Israel and Judah. But is famous for being at first a simple shepherd who earns fame as a musician and later killed Goliath. He became a favourite of King Saul and a close friend of Saul’s son Jonathan. David became king after they both died in battle and conquered Jerusalem to establish its capital.

Dormition Abbey

A few meters from all of this is located the Dormition abbey, which is Christian monument built atop the ruins of a Byzantine church on the site of the Virgin Mary’s death.

In the basement of the abbey is located a shrine where Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ is supposedly died.

It is a beautiful structure and as well an important place for Christianity.

Hurva synagogue

Now let’s head toward a synagogue. While in Jerusalem it is almost mandatory to visit one. We picked the Hurva synagogue as it was an historical one located in the Jewish quarter and we also happened to be nearby.

It was founded in the 18th century but as many building in Jerusalem, it was destroyed and rebuilt. And later became Jerusalem’s main Ashkenazic synagogue.

The entrance fees were a few NIS. While purchasing a ticket at the entrance, someone told us the history of the place and show us prayer area that unfortunately we couldn’t access.

But we were able to get on the upper floors of the synagogue where we were able to see nicely the main prayer area as well as some parts of the building. Cool thing was that the synagogue is made like a tour and you followed on direction and we ended up on the roof before going back to the basement to see remnant of the original places.

the garden tomb

We got time, so let’s head for the mysterious garden tomb. We didn’t know what it really was, but it was quite a surprised.

We headed north and cross the old city, went out of it using Damascus gate. There we found a local street market and later the Garden tomb.

The entrance is free and apparently this place is also supposed to be the location of Jesus Christ Tomb. Heu What!? Yeah there are two possible tombs of Jesus Christ. The church of the holy Sepulchre that was built on the original site and here.

And up to now, nobody was able to prove which one is the real one but they both fit the description of the bible. Or at least they did 2000 years ago.

The garden tomb is really beautiful and well maintain. There is a beautiful garden and a nice seating area under the olive trees where we took a rest before checking out the opened tomb.

There are WC on site as well as a souvenir shop.

End of the day

That was quite enough for today, especially that tomorrow is Shabbat, we gotta get some grocery before everything’s closed. We will talk more Shabbat on our next post.

On our way back we even found Santa’s home in Jerusalem. Ho Ho Holy Land!

Where to Stay

Jerusalem has lots of great accommodation, more or less close from the old city center: 

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous

Alex & Tina

Hey Guys! We are Alex & Tina. A Serbian and French Couple who met during our time in China. We are in love with traveling, hiking, meeting new people… Since 2019, we started a travel blog to share our experiences all around the world.


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