9 Best things to do in Tam Coc

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This “Best things to do in Tam Coc” Guide will help you plan your visit in the Halong Bay on Land in Vietnam.
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Best things to do in Tam Coc

In April 2023, we travelled 3 weeks in Vietnam. Our original plan was to visit all of Vietnam but as we were planning it, we decided to focus on the north and center of Vietnam. Therefor allowing more time in both those regions.

Our trip started and ended in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. And we also spent an overnight in Hanoi as we travelled back from Sapa to Halong Bay.

Our complete trip included in this order: Hanoi, Sapa, Hanoi, Halong Bay/LanHa Bay, Tam Coc (Ninh Binh), Hue, HoiAn, Hanoi. And as always, we will make a complete itinerary of the trip.

One particular thing is that we travelled Vietnam while Tina was 9 to 12-week Pregnant. So, it wasn’t always easy yet we enjoyed it!

Tam Coc located in Ninh Binh region and actually next to Ninh Binh city was our fourth stop directly after HaLong Bay and Lan Ha Bay.

Tam Coc is also known as “Halong Bay on Land” and is a picturesque and popular destination renowned for its stunning natural beauty, characterized by limestone karst formations, lush green rice paddies, and meandering waterways. There are many things to do in Tam Coc, especially boat tours, and the Trang An Natural reserve is a must to visit.

In this article, we will tell our story going around all the best things to do in Tam Coc. So, if you too are planning a trip to Vietnam and to Tam Coc, then let ‘s dive in these best things to do in Tam Coc.

Here is our complete video from this trip :

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Getting there

can take either a :

  • By Bus: You can take a local bus from Hanoi’s southern bus stations, such as Giap Bat or My Dinh. Look for buses heading to Ninh Binh City. Once you reach Ninh Binh, you can hire a taxi or a motorbike taxi (xe om) to take you to Tam Coc, which is about 7 kilometers away.
  • By Train : You can take a train from Hanoi to Ninh Binh Railway Station. Trains are a comfortable option and offer scenic views along the way. Once you arrive at Ninh Binh Railway Station, you can take a taxi or a motorbike taxi to reach Tam Coc.
  • By van : Another convenient option is to take a van transfer from Hanoi to Tam Coc. This option offers comfort, flexibility, and the convenience of door-to-door service. Many hotels and travel agencies in Hanoi can help you arrange private transfers. And they can be taken from the airport or the city center of Hanoi.

For us as we were in Halong Bay, we had booked a transfer from Halong bay to Tam Coc directly with the travel agency that got us our amazing 3-day, 2-night luxury cruise.

Here is our story, around 12h15 we board VIP bus in the port. We left at 12h38, once the bus full. At 13h38, we made a first break for about 20min.  And at 16h10 we arrived at city center of Ninh Binh, there a tour guide came into the bus and told us that if d have booked until our accommodation, we have to come to him.

We did and he told us to wait until another van arrive. At 16h30 the van was there. We dropped 2 people and by 16h45 we were at our accommodation.


how to get to Tam Coc

Moving Around

There are many things to do around Tam Coc, so the best way to get around all the attraction of Tam Coc is to rent a scooter.

And to move between your accommodation and the city center, a bike is a great choice. Most of accommodation have by the way bike for free.

When to Visit

Let’s start by saying that Vietnam is a really long country and as such have 3 very distinct type of weather (North/central/South).

The best time to visit Tam Coc in Vietnam largely depends on your preferences for weather, outdoor activities, and avoiding crowded tourist seasons. Tam Coc has distinct seasons, each offering a unique experience:

The best time to visit Tam Coc is generally similar to Hanoi and is Autumn (from September to November) if you want less rain and cool temperatures. The raining season being Summer (June to August).  However, Spring (from March and April/Mai) is the second-best time to visit especially if you plan on visiting more than only the north of Vietnam. We visited Vietnam as this time and during our stay in Hanoi, we had some rain but yet it was warm.

Where to Stay

What to Eat

The best things to eat in Vietnam are:

  • Pho: A Vietnamese soup dish consisting of broth, rice noodles, herbs, and meat or tofu.
  • Banh mi: A French-Vietnamese baguette sandwich filled with vegetables, meat/tofu/tempeh, and sauce…
  • Banh Xeo: A rice flour pancake filled with various toppings and herbs.


Plus, lots of many other dishes made of spring rolls, fried noodle, or rice. We personally always found vegetarian or vegan option in Vietnam but also noticed that their kitchen is quite heavy and used lots of fried and deep-fried ingredients.


They are also lots of drinks to try:

  • Egg coffee: Hot or cold coffee prepared with egg yolks, sugar, condensed milk and strong coffee.
  • Iced coffee: Made using Medium/Dark coffee passing through hot water into a cup that already contains condensed milk.
  • Coconut Coffee: Where coconut milk is added.

Plus, they are also lots of fresh juices, fresh coconuts and beers to try.


If you are looking for some great places to eat, we would recommend :

  • NGON Vegan Restaurant
  • Chookie’s Beer Garden
  • Banh mi Hanoi
Vietnamese food

Best things to do in Tam Coc

Day 1 - First morning

We woke up around 5am, so we decided to get back to our routine and did some yoga. It was good to finally getting out of the jetlag.

At 7am we went for breakfast. On thing that we loved about the place we were staying in was the garden. It will not only beautiful but filled with trees and flowers.

We opted for the vegetarian Pho. The Pho was alright, not the best you can find in Vietnam, but it did its job and we were slowly getting ready for the day.

We also had a tea and coffee. As we forgot to specify which type of coffee, we got it cold and sweet. Which seems to be more the standard here.

Hali Home

Bai Dinh Temple

We then rented a scooter directly at the reception for the day and headed toward the Bai Dinh Temple. But first, let’s refuel the scooter with 1L of fuel (40 000). Here in Vietnam, renting doesn’t go from fuel tank to fuel tank. You must refuel yourself and can give the scooter back with an empty tank.

So, we inserted the temple on google map but when we arrived there wasn’t any parking, and we were told by a security officer that the parking is somewhere else. We then drove another few kilometers to find the parking (15 000).

As often, there was a small store where you pay the parking and where we got 2 bottles of water (20 000)

Next, to access the temple, you need to buy entrance tickets (120 000). We were so confused with the tickets as there were a few options, but no-one could really explain it to us.

So, we took the basic one which is the transfer in an electric tuktuk from the parking to the entrance of the temple.

Later on, we understood that the other ticket includes free electric tuktuk transfers within the complex and the visit of the pagoda within the complex.

 We then hoped on the electric tuktuk and were driven to the entrance. Bai Dinh Pagoda or Bai Dinh temple is a complex of Buddhist temples including the original temple and more recent ones. Plus, it is considered the largest complex of Buddhist temples in Vietnam

We started strolling around the site. It is really huge with many halls, temples, a pagoda etc…

We found the site stunning but as the weather was super hot and humid/misty, we were pretty tired after 1h30 or so exploring it and decided to slowly exist the complex. To do so we used the upper exist to avoid having to go all the way back but skipped the little walk in the mountains up there.

On the way out we grabbed a bottle of water and a Fuzi tea (30 000), as we already had drunken all our water.

Bai Dinh Temple

Vân Long Nature Reserve

Next, we headed toward the Vân Long Nature Reserve. But as we were getting close to lunch time, we first stopped at a local restaurant called “NHA HANG TUAN TU VÂN LONG NINH Bình”, located right next to the reserve.

It was a local restaurant and provided a great experience. There we had tofu, vegetables, rice, and fruits (130 000). The food was yummy, and it was great to see how local are in restaurants.

Then, we went to the ticket office of the Vân long Reserve where we parked for free the scooter. There we got the full ticket (200 000). There seems to be 2 types of ticket, but you have to get both of them. We tried to understand what the differences was but no luck either.

The lagoon was 5-min walking away. We hoped on a boat with a local person rowing. The ride was nice, the reserve is beautiful, and we saw many birds, even storks (which is a bird we are used too as there are many of them in our hometown).

Don’t forget to bring suncream and a hat for this reserve. It was super-hot and the sun strong.

When we left the boat, we gave a small tip which was a first for us in Vietnam as normally and as far as we experienced tipping isn’t really a thing in Vietnam and generally in Asia.

But the guy kept asking for more. It was the first time such a thing happened to us. We didn’t know what do to and we felt bad about it, so we gave him what he asked. That was the only con of that place.

Vân Long Nature Reserve

Hoa Lu ancient capital

We drove back south toward Hoa Lu ancient capital and parked at the entrance (10 000). Also, if you want to avoid paying the parking, you can park in front of restaurant where people tell you free parking. At the end you just need to get something from us, even a bottle of water works.

After getting 2 tickets for Hao Lu ancient capital (40 000), we walked pass the gate and around the site. Hoa Lu was the capital of Vietnam from 968 to 1009 however it was quite small and consisted only of 2 small temples to visit. So, we were quickly out.

Hoa Lu ancient capital

Am Tiên Cave

Our next destination was Am Tien Cave, located right on the opposite of the ancient capital which was 5min walking distance. So, no need to get the scooter. There is however a parking in front of the cave, but the cost is twice more. For google location use Tuyệt Tịnh Cốc (động Am Tiên).

After getting 2 tickets (100 000), we enter the hidden lake passing under the mountain in a tunnel.

The Am Tiên Cave is a stunning site, quiet with a little lake in the middle. We loved it. After walking around, we sat near it shops and got a tea and 2 water bottles (40 000). There we rest a bit and watch the hundreds of koi fishes in the lake.

After a while, we walked out, got our scooter, and headed back to our accommodation. We stopped to buy 3 bananas and 2 mangos (50 000)

Once at our destination, it was good to take a shower. It has been a while we didn’t have such a hot day and sweated like that even though we didn’t do much effort. For dinner we simply stayed in our accommodation (290 000)

Am Tiên Cave

Day 2 morning

Once again, we woke up early around 5h30. So, we continued back into our routine and did yoga.

Around 7h we went for breakfast. Today we ordered fried eggs with coffee and tea. It also came with some fruits. As we were still a bit hungry, we even ordered a second round of eggs and coffee.

Tina wanted to send her learn letter this morning, so we took it easy until she finished, and around 9h we left.

Hali Home

Bich Dong Pagoda

After hopping on the scooter, we right away we stopped for 1L of fuel (30 000). And then we headed to the Bich Dong Pagoda. There we parked the scooter in a dedicated parking (10 000) at the entrance. The guy at the parking was nice and asked for a fair price right away. He also told us that the pagoda is free.

After getting 2 bottles of water (20 000), We visited the pagoda, which was made of a temple, a few tombs, and some shrines.

When we entered, there were some ceremonies, and it was super cool to witness it.

Bich Dong Pagoda

Tam Coc boat tour

The boat tour was beautiful, and we globally enjoyed it. The tour takes your through stunning rice fields and between mountains along the Ngo Dong rive. The particularity of this boat tour is that rower row with their legs.

However, this is definitely more touristic than the Van Long Reserve. Right after the first cave there were photographs waiting to take pictures of us, at the turnover area, lots of people tried to sell us snacks and pushed us to buy something for the rower.

And at the end the woman rowing asked for a tip before we even arrived.

Which we found quite rude, and we didn’t feel like give any as she wasn’t really nice during the trip, didn’t try to explain anything. And was just getting it done compared to other we saw. Where they would stop, picked flower and so on.

So far Tam Coc seemed too touristy.

Tam Coc boat tour

Chookie's Beer Garden

Lunch was at one will become one of our favorite restaurant in Vietnam: Chookie’s Beer Garden where we already went the first night we arrived.

There, we ordered a Phoenix beer and a vegan tropical smoothy. For dishes we opted for the falafel burger and falafel salad. It was super-duper yummy (425 000).

In the afternoon we had planned on visiting the most famous site of Tam Coc, the Trang An boat tour. But didn’t want to get there before 3pm.

So, we chilled by the little pool at Chookie’s. It was so refreshing. For us this made this place a must things to do in Tam Coc.

Chookie's Beer Garden

Trang An

From there we drove to Trang-An boat tour. Which is the only boat tour recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site.

After getting 2 tickets (500 000). We passed in a tunnel which was well decorated. Globally the whole site felt much more developed and maintain.

At this point we had to choose one of the 3 routes of the site. Mostly locals take route 1 because it has the most temple. We took route 3 as it has the longest cave of the site which is 1km long.

Before embarking we bought 2 small bottles of water (20 000).

Then we went on-board our small boat with Donna and Chris, a couple from Australia that was really friendly and with whom we really enjoyed the tour.

If you want a boat only for yourself, you need to buy 4 tickets.

The tour we took was going through 3 Caves and 3 temples and took about 2h. It was really stunning and by far the best boat tour to do in Tam Coc.

The 1km cave was really impressive and took more than 15min. For each of the temples, we went off the boat and visited them. It was also great and each of them had toilets a small store.

If you want to see the complete tour, we will make a dedicated silent video of it.

We also appreciated that it wasn’t that crowded. We didn’t wait for tickets and during the tour it was great. In addition, we had the best weather we could ask for.

At the end, we got back to the huge parking opposing of the complex (15 000) and kept on.

Trang An

Mua Caves

Our final stop will be Mua Cave. Once on the street leading there, there were many people trying to stop us for parking. But we went until the end and parked right in front. Unfortunately, even there, there was a fee (10 000) unlike what we saw on internet.

The access of the site is also regulated and has an entrance fee (200 000). There is a hotel in the site and therefor many attractions to see such as a flower pound, caves and so on.

We went up the 500 steps which wasn’t too hard but still tiring due to the heat. We wanted to see sunset from the viewpoint but there wasn’t really one as it was blocked by mountains and clouds.

Anyway, up there it was quite crowded, but the view was breath-taking. It was the real poster card from Tam Coc.

Once out, we headed back to our accommodation to take shower and ended the day with a dinner at Banhmi Hanoi. Where We ordered a vegan Banhmi, a vegan pho and the fried rice. Plus, a big bottle of water, a beer and a fresh coconut (220 000).

 It was super good and the people there really welcoming. But a tiny bit too much food.

But we must admit that we had our eyes bigger than our bellies

Mua Caves

More things to do in Tam Coc

If you want more things to do in Tam Coc, you can consider:

  • Phát Diệm Cathedral
  • Cuc Phuong National Park
  • Endangered Primate Rescue Center
  • Thung Nham Bird Park

An amazing 2-day Tam Coc Itinerary

Day 1:

  • Bai Dinh Temple
  • Vân Long Nature Reserve
  • Hoa Lu ancient capital
  • Am Tiên Cave


Day 2:

  • Bich Dong Pagoda
  • Tam Coc boat tour
  • Chookie’s beer garden
  • Trang An
  • Mua Caves

Người làm nên của, của không làm nên người – A person makes wealth, wealth does not make a person.

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Alex & Tina

Hey Guys! We are Alex & Tina. A Serbian and French Couple who met during our time in China. We are in love with traveling, hiking, meeting new people… Since 2019, we started a travel blog to share our experiences all around the world.


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