The Authentic Jerusalem Visit Day 3 Story: Masada/Ein Gedi/Death sea

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One day trip from Jerusalem to visit the Romain fortress of Masada, the natural reserve and waterfall of Ein Gedi and float in the dead sea
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Introduction: The Genuine Jerusalem Visit Day 3 Story

Here is how we spent our 3rd day in Jerusalem. We went on a tour to the dead sea as it is one of Israel wonder. To do so, we went on a day tour with Abraham tours. The tour brough us to the fortress of Masada, the reserve of Ein Gedi and the dead sea.

Here was the schedule:

  • 07:15 – Departure from Abraham Hostel Jerusalem
  • 09:00 – Arrival at Masada and Cable-car up the mountain
  • 11:00 – Hike through Ein Gedi Nature Reserve
  • 13:00 – Relax in a small resort at the dead sea
  • 16:00 – Back in Jerusalem

The cost was 73 euro per person plus the entrance to Masada (19euro) and Ein Gedi (8euro). We were told that Abraham tour is one of the best in Jerusalem and that it is better to use a tour while in Israel (for safety)

This was a self-guided tour. You need to download the Abraham tour APP to get all the information as well as snacks, sun cream, water and lunch. For the dead sea they also provided the towel.

Mapping the day

Here is the map of map of the day. The timing on it is not quite right but it gives an idea. Also, for the dead sea we stopped at a viewpoint and then a kind of resort, but we can’t figure out where they are exactly on the map

Masada/Ein gedi and dead sea tour


Here we are, in Abraham hostel where our tour departed around 7:30am. We drove around 1h30 before arriving at Masada. It was a comfortable ride in a 13-seaters van with AC.

Masada is an ancient fortress built on the top of a mountain. You can either hike it up or use the cable car to reach it. At first two palaces where built on it by Herod but later it was taken by the Roman and became a fortress.

Masada is an impressive construction and have not only palaces on it but a complete city with villas, houses, public baths, temple and even a swimming pool.

For water, slaves and animal where bringing fresh water to the top of the mount and filling its water tanks.

Ein gedi

After a good 2h in Masada before going embarking for a 20min ride to Ein Gedi.

Ein Gedi is an oasis and a natural reserve with waterfalls, spring-fed streams with flowing water year-round. The reserve is a sanctuary for many types of plant, bird and animal species. The vegetation is made of plants and trees from various land (tropical, desert, Mediterranean, and steppian regions).

We entered the reserve and hiked till the waterfalls but it was kinda crowded and not that amazing, so we headed back to the entrance where we had our lunch break.

Dead Sea

After 1h30 in Ein Gedi we boarded back the van and started our journey to the dead sea. First, we made a stop at a viewpoint where we could have a general view of the dead sea. From there we could see that the level of it was going down and that holes (result of the low level of water in the dead sea) would be easily spotted.

After 5/10min, we kept on till a small swimming pool resort where we could either get to a swimming pool or into the dead sea.

We went straight down to the dead sea (do bring flipflop not to burn your feet) and jump in the dead sea. It gives an amazing and awkward feeling. The water feels kinda oily but smooth. And you don’t sink, you imply float! That was amazing.

It is also believed that the mud from the dead sea is really good for the skin. So, a get yourselves cover with mud (there is a shower to clean up later hahaha).

That was a great experience, but it was super crowded (May 2019). After that we headed back to Jerusalem.

Where to Stay

Jerusalem has lots of great accommodation, more or less close from the old city center: 

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain (?)

Alex & Tina

Hey Guys! We are Alex & Tina. A Serbian and French Couple who met during our time in China. We are in love with traveling, hiking, meeting new people… Since 2019, we started a travel blog to share our experiences all around the world.


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