Travel vaccinations:A genuine guide to safely travel

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Before going on a long travelling, especially if unplanned, getting all your vaccination may be a good idea.
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Introduction: Travel vaccinations

Before we travelled to South America for 3 months, we were considering getting our vaccination up to date. So, first things we did was to check online what was recommended or not.

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We made a small list to know what we would need or not prior to 3 months backpacking. In the past, for 1 month in India we had a vaccine for Hepatitis A and Repevax (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, and polio) and for 4 weeks Peru, Bolivia, Chile, we didn’t do any.

Getting the Vaccination appointment

In France, most of vaccine can be done by any doctor, but here the Yellow fever is an exception and could only be done in a vaccination center.

We were quite late, to do all the vaccination, we were leaving on the 28th, and call our local vaccination center the 14th. We were super lucky here and got an appointment the 19th (someone cancelled) where normally you would need 2 weeks’ time. After that, they gave us another one for the 27th because some vaccines need 2 shots.

Special Vaccine


Unless, the others Malaria is not a vaccine but pills that you take when you are in a contaminated area. You start a day before entering the area and keep taking one pill a day for a week after. This can also change depending the type of pills.


We were considering getting the Rabies or not. When we talked, we the doctor here, they made sure we would do it.

You know, you don’t need to get bitten to get it, if you have an open wound and an animal leak you, you can get it. And once you have it, you are done. Without vaccine you must run to the hospital and will be block for a month or so in order to get multiple shots. At least with the vaccine, you are not immune but will only need a few shots and you will only lose a week.


In the end, we needed two visits to the center as certain vaccine needed two shots, plus only for Tina, Hepatitis B needs a total of 3 shots, D, D+1month, D+7months

1st Visit:

  • Yellow fever
  • Rabies: 1st Shot
  • Measles: Only Tina

2nd Visit

  • Hepatitis A + Typhoid
  • Rabies: 2nd Shot
  • Hepatitis B 1st shot: Only Tina


In France, that wasn’t free not covered by health insurance.

  • First vaccination: 106€ per person
  • Second one: 120€ per person
  • Measles: 1.42€
  • Hepatitis B first shot: 1.73€ (France)
  • Hepatitis B second shot: 0€ (Argentina)

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

Alex & Tina

Hey Guys! We are Alex & Tina. A Serbian and French Couple who met during our time in China. We are in love with traveling, hiking, meeting new people… Since 2019, we started a travel blog to share our experiences all around the world.


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