The Authentic W-Trek Day 5 – Torres del Paine

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Today is the 5th day in our 5 days W-Trek in Torres del Paine. We will visit the last part of the W-Trek before going back to Puerto Natales.
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Introduction: W-Trek Day 5

Today’s planning is quite simple. We will go from Chileno to Las Torres lagoon. From there, we will hike back to Chileno and then head for central where we will take a shuttle to laguna Armaga where we will catch our bus for Puerto Natales.

  • Chileno to campsite de las Torres: 1h30 – 3km
  • Campsite to Las Torres: 1h – 1,4km
  • Chileno to Central: 2h – 5km

Total distance: 14km approx.

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Mapping the W-Trek Day 5

Morning in Chileno

We woke up around 6:40am, packed our stuff and went down to the shelter area. As we mention earlier, the tents are on a cliff and it is not convenient to get up/down.

We then got our breakfast in front of the shelter, where we saw foxes hanging around. It was not too cold, and the weather was beautiful.  As we say, after the rain comes the sun.

We got 2 cups and hot water in the shelter, we kinda of helped ourselves and made some coffee. It was cool and beautiful outside, but how man flies were around!

Once ready, we went to the shelter and dropped our bags. As we stayed in the camping, we have right to let our bags there. So, we only took some clothe layers and food.

Trail to Las Torres

Trail to Ranger camp base

We left around 8:14am and arrived around 9:10am in the ranger camp at the base of the trail uphill to the lagoon. This trail was a lot of up and down though a forest.

Trail the lagoon

We made it by 10:05am in the lagoon in from of Las Torres. This part was more challenging as it goes only up via a rocky path

The lagoon

The lagoon is beautiful and similar to what we saw in El Chalten. We hanged around, started talking with an American girl from NYC that just started her 3 months travel and ended up talking together 1h and returning together.

We got the chance to see a group of Korean people coming. One of them was super funny. We appreciated seeing him taking picture and ended up being the photograph.


Trail back to Chileno

We left around 11:15am, arrived around 12:14pm at the ranger camp and 1pm in Chileno. At this time, it was crazy how the trail was crowded. Tonnes of people were going up.

Trail to Central

Back in Chileno, we took around 1h to enjoy the view and eat lunch. After what we headed down toward central. This trail was just a bit uphill to from Chileno to the intersection Central/Frances but after that it was downhill.

We arrived at 3:50pm in central in the information center where shuttles are running to laguna Armaga

Return to Puerto Natales

We bought 2 tickets for the next shuttle (3000 CLP each) and waiting until 6pm for the bus. The information center is also a coffee shop and souvenir shop. There are WC available and they accept CB.

Our shuttle left at 6:05pm and we arrived at the lagoon around 6:18pm.

As we already had our ticket for the bus, we just got in when it arrived. Some people did not have but could buy it on the spot. The bus left around 6:45pm and we arrived in Puerto Natales at 8:40pm.


An alternative would be to get up early and start hiking around 5:30am to get sunset in Las Torres lagoon. This way you would also be almost alone during the hike up and down.

We noticed this possibility as some people where hiking back when we were hiking up.

This would also allow you to take an early afternoon bus to Puerto Natales.


We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

Looking where to Stay before and after?

Unique Stay near the Park

Or in Puerto Natales:

Alex & Tina

Hey Guys! We are Alex & Tina. A Serbian and French Couple who met during our time in China. We are in love with traveling, hiking, meeting new people… Since 2019, we started a travel blog to share our experiences all around the world.


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